Relationships and Fairy Tales ”…and they lived happily ever after”. How many of us as children believed in this happy ending and perhaps visualised it for ourselves as grown up? The idea of this “happily ever after” sounds like a sweet dream. A dream that might lead to the misconception that, once two people fall […]
Relationships – Finally holiday time!
Holidays can be a joyous and exciting yet …stressful time for couples. Let’s face it, after a hard year of work, finally having a break and be able to switch off visiting new or previously explored, wonderful destinations sound like a dream. A great opportunity to reconnect with what we love doing with our partner, […]
Relationships and Boundaries – Why it can be challenging sometimes to say NO
Relationships and Boundaries are strictly connected. Boundaries help us to define what we are comfortable with in our relationships and how we would like to be treated by others. Setting boundaries is the ability to say NO when we are not happy with a certain behaviour, to stand up for ourselves, to avoid doing something […]
Is there a Magic Formula to make relationships work?
It’s easy to find on the internet and social media lots of tips and articles that explain what love is, how to understand if you love or you’ve ever loved your partner, what might be influencing the way we love. Various sources offer suggestions as of when it’s ok to date someone or it’s not, […]
How to create stronger relationships
Relationships are a key part of our lives. They bring happiness and support, but at times they can become too hard to manage. Particularly when we encounter problems, it can be difficult to know where to turn to and it becomes harder to express how we really feel. People deal with relationships issues in various […]